Saturday, November 15, 2008

Another day....

So, there's lots of reasons why I started this blog. My main reason is i need to get my creative juices flowing. I'm finally getting into somewhat of a groove with my girls, so I need to finish projects that I have started. I wish I lived close to Jo and could partake in her craft night. Oh well. I WILL get things done.....soon. I totally want to open my Etsy shop. Another reason is just so all my good friends and family that aren't close by can see what I'm up to.

In other news, Elouise will be 2 months in a few days, and she's already sleeping at least 6 hrs straight a night. It's amazing. Last night she slept from midnight until a little before ten this morning. I feel more human when I get more sleep, so I'm happy she's in this routine so soon. She's so freakin pretty, I love her! She's so happy, too! .....most of the time!

And, Ivy is such a smarty pants. Her vocabulary amazes me and she has a such an imagination. She's also very girly! This morning, she let me paint her nails. She just sat there the whole time, and helped me blow on her nails til they were dry. She does this weird thing with her shirts.....she'll put one of her arms through the neck of the shirt along with her head. Like tonight, I put her in an old school Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles sweatshirt (an awesome Goodwill find that TJ brought home when he used to work there like 5 yrs ago) that is huge on her but totally comfy. Here's what happened....

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